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The built environment encompasses the buildings we live in, 为我们提供水和电等资源的分配系统, 和 the infrastructure we 使用 to get from place to place. 我们建造建筑和基础设施的方式以及我们使用的材料会对环境产生重大影响. 出于这个原因, 365滚球官网优先考虑在建筑和校园建筑环境的建筑材料采购中应用可持续解决方案.


365滚球官网致力于在建造新建筑和翻新旧建筑时尽量减少对环境的影响. In 2008, a U of I policy set sustainable building st和ards, 要求“所有新建筑和主要改造都必须通过认证,达到或超过LEED银级评级。.” Read more about the LEED建筑政策.


LEED(领先能源与环境设计)评级系统是由美国建筑设计协会开发的.S. Green Building Council to provide a framework for healthy, 非常高效。, carbon 和 cost-saving green buildings. 探索 LEED的网站 了解更多信息.

LEED Gold 建筑 at University of Idaho

The College of Education

教育学院始建于1969年,经过了1900万美元的翻新. 该建筑现在获得了LEED金级认证,这是建筑可以达到的第二高的LEED评级. 教育学院象征着我们对可持续发展的坚定承诺, with natural lighting, 节水厕所, water bottle refill stations 和 more features that enhance the energy, water 和 waste efficiency of the entire building.

The College of Education, 健康 和 Human 服务 Building.
The College of Education, LEED Gold Certified


综合研究与创新中心(IRIC)于2017年完工,并获得LEED金牌认证. IRIC是365滚球官网跨学科研究和发现的世界级设施. 有许多特征有助于建筑的可持续设计, including a solar array, a green roof featuring native dryl和 grass, 集水系统和金属屏风增加了室内的自然采光,同时减少了热量和眩光.

Students walk outside of the IRIC.
综合研究与创新中心(IRIC), LEED金牌认证


爱达荷州中央信用社体育馆于2021年完工,是汪达尔女子和男子篮球队的主场, as well as a gathering place for other events 和 concerts. The $51 million arena was made possible in part by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service Wood Innovations Grants Program.

竞技场展示了我们对可持续发展的坚定承诺,是我们校园的一个令人惊叹的补充. Through a collaboration with Idaho stakeholders, 该建筑采用了从伊利诺伊大学实验森林收获的木材,然后由爱达荷州的工厂和层压机制成胶合木梁. The 使用 of mass timber decreases the carbon footprint of the building, 因为在树木生长的过程中,木材会继续吸收树木吸收的碳, 木结构建筑比钢结构和混凝土结构排放的碳更少. Wood products also require less energy to produce than other materials. Most of that energy came from renewable biomass instead of fossil fuels, reducing greenho使用 gas emissions even in the fabrication phase.

使用爱达荷州种植和收获的大量木材来建造这样一个创新的设施,这是爱达荷州木材工业可以做的一个很好的例子,也是爱达荷州可持续发展的未来的一个很好的例子. Through projects like the ICCU竞技场, the U of I is working to change the vision of sustainability in Idaho.

Workers construct the wooden interior of the ICCU竞技场.
The ICCU竞技场 during construction, October 2020
The exterior of the completed ICCU竞技场
The ICCU竞技场 after completion, June 2022


The built environment provides us with spaces for life activities, 但需要大量的材料和资源来创建和维护. Along with the materials needed to build, 建筑环境还会产生温室气体,导致气候变化, whether it be through the extraction, 运输, 使用, or disposal of materials. According to Architecture 2030, the built environment generates nearly 40% of annual global carbon dioxide emissions; this includes building operations, building materials 和 construction, 和 other construction industry activities. 在施工过程中,钢铁和混凝土等材料的生产会释放排放物. 建筑物在建成后继续通过使用化石燃料产生的电力排放温室气体. The built environment can also pollute the surrounding l和 和 water, can consume enormous amounts of water 和 energy, 和 can produce large amounts of waste. With such a negative impact on the environment, buildings should be maintained, retrofitted or built with efficiency 和 sustainability in mind. 像LEED(能源与环境设计领导)这样的组织制定了健康建筑的标准, 高效, cost-saving 和 have a minimal impact on the environment. 建筑 that are constructed or updated with cleaner, 更有效的技术可以大大减少碳排放和自然资源需求.


破坏者可以通过教育自己了解建筑物可能产生的负面环境影响以及减少或消除这些影响的方法来帮助支持可持续的建筑环境. 对建筑环境和可持续发展研究感兴趣的教师和学生可以利用我们的校园来学习和开展创新的绿色设计研究. 所有破坏者都应该了解校园里的任何新建筑,以及我们为减少碳排放而采用的新的绿色特征. 

如果你是房主,有很多方法可以让你的空间对环境友好. 例如, 莫斯科市有两项退税计划,有利于做出环保设计决定的房主: the toilet conservation rebate program 和 the wisescape rebate program. The city of Moscow 水 Department also offers free water-saving fixtures 任何居民. Avista offers multiple energy rebates for Idaho residents, 包括安装智能恒温器或使用能源之星认证的电器和门的回扣. Avista customers can enroll in the My Clean 能源 program through Avista, 在那里,Avista将你家的用电量与零排放的可再生能源相匹配. Avista还提供资源来评估太阳能电池板系统是否适合您的家庭, as well as licensed contractors 和 personalized help from Avista. Residents can reduce their emissions by 回收 和 堆肥; the city of Moscow offers 回收堆肥 services to all residents. 房主也可以选择使用天然或低排放产品建造房屋, such as timber sourced from Idaho, 安装集水系统,减少对土地和自然资源的环境影响.

via Office of the President




U of I Sustainability