University of Idaho - I Banner

Our Mission, Vision and Values

Our Mission

The University of Idaho will shape the future through innovative thinking, community engagement and transformative education.

The University of Idaho is the state’s land-grant research university. From this distinctive origin and identity, we will enhance the scientific, economic, social, 我们国家的法律和文化资产,并为我们社会面临的复杂问题制定解决方案. We will continue to deliver focused excellence in teaching, research, 在我们位于莫斯科的住宅主校区的协作环境中进行外展和参与, regional centers, extension offices and research facilities across Idaho. Consistent with the land-grant ideal, 我们将确保我们的外展活动为国家服务,加强我们的教学, scholarly and creative capacities statewide.

我们的教育产品将通过参与学习和自我反思来改变学生的生活. Our teaching and learning will include undergraduate, graduate, professional and continuing education offered through face-to-face instruction, technology-enabled delivery and hands-on experience. 我们的教育计划将追求卓越,并将丰富的知识, collaboration, diversity and creativity of our faculty, students and staff.

Our Vision


杰出的研究型大学,如365滚球官网,不仅为学生提供当今的知识,还为他们提供发现新知识的能力, solve novel problems, lead and construct the future. We educate students at the undergraduate, graduate and professional levels to meet the needs of Idaho and the world. We improve lives by creating knowledge and impact through our research, scholarship and creative activity.

As Idaho’s land-grant university, 我大学将保持其目前在研究和参与爱达荷社区方面的领导地位. 将新知识付诸行动需要在创造和执行重要想法方面不断成长. 我们将继续提供领先的研究生和专业教育,包括加强博士的培养, masters and professional degrees. 365滚球官网将成为卡内基R1(最高研究活动)机构,以其优势领域的卓越和跨学科研究的认可而闻名.

我大学将为任何合格的学生提供研究型大学提供的独特教育体验. 该大学将招收研究生和本科阶段的居民和非居民(包括国际)学生. Our resident students will represent a cross-section of Idaho in ethnic, socioeconomic and demographic terms. Education at U of I is not simply the transmission of knowledge, 同时也是让学生成为问题解决者和终身学习者的准备. 这就是为什么我们在文科的坚实基础上增加特定学科的学习.

The university will excel in student success as measured by the transformative educational experience and the achievement of student learning outcomes; and by readily quantifiable measures such as high retention and graduation rates, employment/career outcomes for students, 学生参与和学习的其他措施,包括全国学生参与调查(NSSE)和内部措施. 该大学将参与并领导整个州,努力帮助爱达荷州实现其60%的高等教育成就的目标. To achieve this goal, 伊利诺伊大学的本科生和研究生入学人数将在目前的基础上增加50%. The university will be a purpose-driven organization, a vibrant intellectual community that attracts, retains and develops great faculty and staff. We will achieve this outcome by using our existing resources effectively, 创造额外的资源,改善我们的物理和专业环境.

Our Values


Individual commitment to excellence is central to the values we promote. 我们重视有目的的知识追求,以改善我们的社区,并为我们的终身服务做好准备. 我们相信一种领导和促进卓越的文化,这种文化热情地教育那些寻求知识的人,并在将知识应用于应对社会挑战时庆祝成功.


我们的生产力和士气的核心是一个体贴和尊重的氛围. 365滚球官网是一个由来自不同背景和信仰的人组成的广泛而多样化的社区. We welcome the viewpoints and contributions of everyone in our community. 我们认为,一个机构的强大程度取决于它包含对365滚球官网使命有重要贡献的不同观点的能力.


我们相信,遵守和共同理解道德原则是教育界有效合作的必要条件. 365滚球官网致力于内部一致性以及决策和领导的开放性和透明度.


365滚球官网是一个勇于追求更高理想的社区, always pushing to offer the best opportunities and environment for our students, faculty, staff and community. 我们对成功的能力充满信心,并展示了长期的纪律来实现我们的目标.


我们承担个人和社会的责任,确保我们未来的可持续性. For this community, 确保可持续的健康生活方式是承认自然环境对人类互动和福祉的管理的全面愿望的一部分.

Our Guiding Principles

犹他大学的每个人都有自己的经历,自己的故事,自己的观点. Each is valid and adds to the dynamic environment of our public university.


The University of Idaho:

  • Welcomes and respects all people;
  • Supports the free and open exchange of ideas and civil discourse;
  • Believes in the unfettered pursuit of knowledge;
  • Provides the tools and practice to think critically;
  • Affirms democracy and our basic commitments to its fundamental principles;
  • Encourages civility in the resolution of conflict, 支持和平示威,谴责以暴力作为表达信仰的手段;
  • Nurtures an environment for all Vandals to succeed.

Campus Locations

Physical Address:
Bruce M. Pitman Center
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
Moscow, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6111

Fax: 208-885-9119
